Day Excursions

The Cinnamon Experience Ahangama
The Cinnamon Experience is a unique and informative journey through the urbanity of a cinnamon plantation. We explain the secrets about the history of true cinnamon, the maintenance, the medical benefits and other important facts about cinnamon while you get an experience about the harvesting process and the typical village life by yourself. Enjoy the peacocks that regularly visit villa Mayurana and dream of the Kings of past, memories of legendary Cinnamon making experience.
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Galle Dutch Fort
The Galle Dutch Fort is the most important archeological, architectural and historical place located in Southwestern coast of Sri Lanka and it was named as a world heritage by UNESCO.
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Virgin White Tea Factory in Galle
Pure virgin white tea plucked without touching by hand. The tea plucking system is very interesting and they follow old Chinese rituals for making white tea. This tea factory like a tea museum because it is a place where can grab more knowledge with experience.
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Kalutara to Cinnamon Experience - Approximately 7 hours

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